Item 03: Arthur John Moore diary, 1 January 1918-10 January 1919 - Page 96

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[Page 96]

Thur Dec 12
The Food is pretty good in this Camp and there is plenty of it. We were boarded again this morning. Major Maplestone (from Sutton Very) examined me and marked me B2A, so surely I'll soon be Home with B.E. now. Major Irving was also boarding, but I missed going before him. A number of us went into Weymouth after Tea. Corp Karley from Geelong being one of the Party. We had Tea in there; which cost us 2/6 each. Sausages and Eggs. Eggs are awfully dear, so I suppose a man mustn't growl at the price.

Fri 13.
It is jolly cold down here and one appreciates a bit of Fire. We went thro' the Q.M. store today and got issued with our shortages. They gave me a Tunic about 3 sizes too big, so I must try and change it, as I must go Home decently clothed, altho' I don't suppose that B.E. will mind much what I wear.

Sat 14.
Went on sick parade today. There was nothing wrong but as Maj. Irving is M.O. of our Coy, I just went on Parade to see him and he said "Hello, Peter, I thought toy were Home long ago". "No such Luck" I said. He marked my Paper for some Cough picture. I saw him later in the day, when he asked me if I was on a Boat Roll, and when I said "no" he said he would do what he could for me, so that raises my Hopes still higher.

Sun 15.
Went into Weymouth after Dinner. It is very quiet in there now. Vastly different to when I was here in the Summer.

Wrote Letter 45 to B.E.

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