Item 03: Arthur John Moore diary, 1 January 1918-10 January 1919 - Page 80

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Fri Aug 30th
Fritz continues to fall back. We are expecting to move up nearer the Line at any time. Had Breakfast with the "Pierrots" (the 11th Brig. Con. Inf)[NZ] who are billeted near us. Things are very quiet. We seem to be about the only ones left in the village. The guns must be a long way forward, as we can barely hear them.

Weather glorious. Yesterday I sent my address up to W.O. Whitelaw, so should get some mail very soon. Gee: it will be great to get news of B.E. again and see those snaps. We live pretty well. Porridge and Bacon and Bread, Butter, Ham for Break. Not Bad.

Sat Aug 31

Last night Fritz came over and dropped a few Bombs around us and swept the Road with his machine Guns. I did not sleep too well. They say our chaps have surrounded Peronne and Bapaume. The weather is a bit dull this morning and it is drizzling with rain.

Sun Sept 1

We moved nearer the Line today. Fritz puts plenty of shells around and makes things very lively. We passed thro' Suzanne where the 3rd Div H.Q. are. Fritz must have made up his mind to stay here for the Winter, as there are some very snug little buildings and dugouts about that he had erected. On some of 'em the tools are lying about, so it looks as tho' our advances was very much of a surprise to him. Near our F.P.O. is a Hospital, that he had nearly finished. It was very comfortable. In fact some of the officer's quarters were almost luxurious. There is a big Tank and Pump, and good water supply. They had commenced to lay the Ground out for Gardens, with cinder paths, etc. Every building had a number of brand new stoves in them, and the labels were still attached. The dugouts all had stoves in 'em, too.

The Country round about is very pretty. All the old shell holes are grown over with wild flowers and grass. There are Wine and Beer Bottles, and empty cigar boxes everywhere, and Fritz seems to have a pretty good time in his Camps. His string and sand bags are made from Paper, and he seems to have a substitute for almost everything.

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