Item 01: Sidney F. E. Liebert diary, 27 May-22 November 1916 - Page 47

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Monday 21st Aug
Air line work in morning but spent most of the time doing nothing. It appears as if they do not know what to do with us & are content if we keep out of sight. In afternoon repairing cable but no requisites available. Made ourselves scarce again, remaining mainly in a refreshment house writing letters. Went to Elstow to see Bunyan's church in evening.

Tuesday 22nd
A job has now been found for us, digging dug-outs. Put in the day at this. Rode around Houghton Conquest in evening

Wednesday 23rd
Started a new hole and work solidly at it all day. Sunk 3ft by evening. We work two shifts 4 man each ½ hr on & ½ hr off. One man picks – 2 men shovel & 1 man wheels the earth away. Writing letters during spare ½ hr. to catch mail.

Attended concert in Y.M.C.A. for first time tonight for stayed for about an hour only.

Thursday 24th
Still digging and making good progress.

Friday 25th
Back of trench at dug out digging again. Rained heavily in afternoon so we knocked off and had a bath. You have a bath here in a tub and it reminds you of younger days.

Advised that I go to Dunstable next week.

Saturday 26th
Digging again in morning.

Week end leave starting in afternoon. Obtained good bikes at 1/6 for the week end from people met at the Church instead of 3/6 the usual week end charge

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