Item 01: Sidney F. E. Liebert diary, 27 May-22 November 1916 - Page 45

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I was hopping on & off my horse hanging on my one leg and getting a pretty hard time in general.

Got back at 1-30 and had dinner changed uniform and attended sports held by "A" Coy. Australians were allowed entry and they we did very well. As a team we won the Boat Race, Tug of war & Relay Race and generally showed our prowress.

Received another letter but shortly I suppose I will have received all outstanding letters.

Sunday 13th
Church parade to Wilstead again Remainder of morning & afternoon writing Walk to village in evening.

Monday 14th
Out with wagon as No. 3. We went in direction of Houghton Conquest and had a pretty good day. Evening spent in writing greatly interrupted by chatting. Had a bath first since being here. Rained pretty heavily for short time

Tuesday 15th
Repairing cable & practise of cable numbers in the grounds. Rained again. To a village in evening.

Wednesday 16th
Out with cable wagon as No. 5. Went in direction of Southill a distance of about 5 ¾ miles. The country out this way is very pretty. In evening went for a bike ride around the district.

Thursday 17th
Raining. Lecture on phones – Everybody very sleepy.

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