Item 01: Sidney F. E. Liebert diary, 27 May-22 November 1916 - Page 36

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[Page 36]

other end of the city & if you wished to go to a place you were in 5 minutes ago well even then you stand a good chance of being lost.

Even when I was leaving Tottenham Court Y.M.C.A. on Saturday I caught the bus going in the opposite direction. All the bus routes have numbers & I was just getting to know them. [Note in margin] Highest number about 88

There are Australian soldiers in plenty about the streets and the people generally & very nice. It is amusing to see the women some quite middle aged running after buses & getting on while it is going. There is a bustle getting on & off the bus but along the streets all is ordinary. The narrow streets are marvellously navigated by hosts of motor buses & taxies and the way they dodge each other about is marvellous.

I was with Pynor all the time except when with Harold and so was able to have a good time. The newspapers are not much here to my prejudiced mind. Nothing like the Age which is very often quoted by the most important papers here. I will post you some when something Australian is mentioned. All our chaps are very patriotic. No place whatever like Australia which we boom to all the people with which we come in contact.

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