Item 01: Sidney F. E. Liebert diary, 27 May-22 November 1916 - Page 20

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Saturday July 15th
Another fine day and though for a part of the day in the Bay of Biscay sea was very calm.
Lifebelts had to be worn all day (we had to keep them with us previously) and discomfort resulted.

Played a game of cards called "five hundred" with Pynor & Frost and it took us about 6 hrs to finish it. Slept on deck again.

July 16th Sunday
Real lovely day sea as calm as could be. We have had real marvellous weather during the trip and even Bay of Biscay becomes a millpond for us. Meeting of old Wesley Boys held in afternoon and photos taken of the group. Total number present 13 including 3 offices (1 man absent).

Large number of whales seen in all directions. Evening very light. I was reading in the natural light at 9 p.m.

July 17 Monday
Woke about 3.30 4 a.m. owing to the "Laconia" blowing siren and wondered what was the matter. It was raining slightly & therefore the air was misty, Laconia blew a serious series of blasts with about 1 minute interval several times until about 5.30 a.m. when she signalled us "If destroyer escort has not been sighted by 6 a.m. ships will make port independently keeping strict watch for destroyers which are in the vicinity" However just about 5.50 destroyers were just discernable and in about 9 minutes were abreast with us. There were four, one for each ship. Ours came close to us at a great speed and then signalled "What is course & speed". Later "I will zig-zag ahead unless weather gets too thick in which case I will take position astern". She then went ahead & has been zig-zag ahead of us except when weather was pretty thick & she fell astern.

We are now separated from other ships the Warilda with her destroyer being the only one in sight. Good speed is being attained & the old Medic has dropped behind. All day the little destroyer kept up its zig zaging & we made good progress through what is supposed to be the dangerous area. Slept below

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