Item 02: T. J. Cleary diary, 20 August 1917 - 23 August 1918 - Page 44

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[Page 44]

and camped 6 miles away. The relieving force had came 81 miles without unsaddling & on half rations too. Snow again today.

Sunday 3.3.18 F. Rudrun returned here yesterday. (Midnight.) A very heavy Barrage is now on N.E. of this place. There is a continuous flicker due to the Guns punctuated now & then by the Greater flashes of the heavies. It looks as if the great Spring offensive has started. It was only the 3rd 4th & 5th Divisions raiding the Germans simultaneously (raiding parties only of course)

Monday 4.3.18 Went to Bailleul, Seen the Sentimental Blokes" late Kookkaburras Miss? Lindsay Campbell is a wonder. Had a brute of a walk back in intense darkness 4 miles of it along railway track – No Blanky Bon – some absolutely A.1. class singers at this show. Last Monday the 2nd Div. came back to take another turn in the line. They have been about Boulogne. The Pioneers stayed here on Heavy Railway work. The 5th Brigade detrained at Steenwerck Station & mached away with plenty of Swank Bands on full blast on their way to Billets. One can hardly believe they are the same troops which, untidy, mud encrusted, dirty, frequently Hungry crawled about like amphibians in that unspeakable Somme Mud in the Winter before last. No Swank, No Bands then, just one long grim struggle. The Boys get a much better time now.

Thursday 7.3.18 Went to Neuve Eglise seen Smith who informed me that I was down for Paris leave on the 19th Inst. Some frightfully Havely Heavy

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