Item 02: T. J. Cleary diary, 20 August 1917 - 23 August 1918 - Page 35

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[Page 35]

unfortunately stepped right into the footlights which upset her? both literally and figuratively the lights were brightened so that she would not come another "Gutser" & we then discovered that the her tights were only plain woollen underpants. That was the reason why the lights were dimmed. I met Harry Grose today He is with the 3rd Field Coy Engineers. He told me that W. Norfolk is Adjutant Lieutenant of the E&M. Company.

2.2.18 Saturday Walked about 20 KM. today looking for Jack McMahon & then found that he had gone away about a month or 6 weeks ago with a Broken ankle. He was going up to the line indecipherable when he slipped on the ice & broke his ankle as stated. He made a nasty job for the Bearers who took him back. The N.C.O. & others fixed things up for him O.K. He is probably in "Blighty" now. I won't go looking for anyone in a hurry again. My feet are so bad that I will only just be able to hobble about tomorrow.
3.2.18 Sunday The Taubes were over 5 times last night but they were not after our place fortunately. They were so close overhead that the noise of their motors awakened me before the "Archies" & machine Guns opened up. Feel very sore today. Letter to Clare. Last Friday night I had a sort of Heart Attack that nearly finished me off. I really thought my Heart had burst. Have had a dull ache there ever since. I

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