State Library of NSW
[Page 34]
ever will own them. Are we winning? Seen 16 of the 17th going on leave today. The 2nd Division is pulling out tomorrow they are going to Boulogne. Some of our Battalion moved to Merris yesterday a few still remain about here but they too will move soon.
29.1.18 Beautifull weather today & yesterday. As evidence of what a quiet sector this is a chap said that the Germans used to put their Blankets out in the Sun in No mans land & go over the top & collect them without being molested by our fellows. The occupants of this hut are awfully sick of the War & rapidly becoming rank Anarchists. I wonder should I have said rank & file anarchists. One of the principal reasons for this state of affairs is that our bill of fare for the midday meal has been stew stew stew stew stew "ad lib" & after that more stew.
More news of Slamond. I believe he is now at Rouen. He was being brought back from Pop under escort about 6 weeks back but he got away I heard that the Corporal was disrated. He was recaptured & is now a prisoner.
30.1.18 Keen frost today. Wrote to Mollie
1.2.18 Friday Went to see the Dons last night. Fair show "Chu Chin Chow" Burlesque. Nice looking girl? among them with a nice Baritone voice. Another nice girl ? danced a "pas Seul" (Skirt) with dimmed lights but
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