State Library of NSW
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(Sunday 29th continued)divided up with all hands there are not many left There are only 40 men left in A company(Monday 30th)We got stores for A company and divided them into four parts I got a tin of sausages, 5 tins of paste 2 packets of Lemondade powders cigar cigarettes tobacco soap biscuits we are relieving trenches at 4 pm.(Tuesday 31st)We are being relieved to go to a new position on right. The 5th Essex territorials relieved us at 2 pm We are moving off at 7 pm. Got about half way and bivouaced for the night.(Wednesday 1st September)There were lots of stray bullets flying over all night don't know what time we are moving off. Got orders to move off at 3 pm. Started climbing hills got to destination at 7 pm went on water fatigue till 11 pm we relieved The Staffords(Thursday 2nd)Relieved Tommies from trenches. The Turks are 700 yards off us here The Trenches are very shallow and will need to be deepened They are a perfect disgrace as these Staffords have been here a month it's a wonder that they were not all killed The flies are awful here and the place is in a very filthy state They are a dirty lot Australians for me every time(Friday 3rd)The 7 Essex territorials came here this morning will we ever get rid of these Tommies they are an eyesore to us The Turks sent a lot of shrapnel over New Zealanders camp relieving B and D company at 4 pm in trenches.(Saturday 4th)We are down in valley and the Turks are on the hill Wrote letters to Kitty Mum and Shiela Have a crook headache(Sunday 5th)Very warm am not feeling well get relieved at 4 pm This position is very quiet we hardly ever hear a bullet going over(Monday 6th)Went to doctor this morning as I am feeling bad marked on no duty Have not eaten a thing to day. Tried to get to sleep but flies wont let me go am feeling better to night
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