State Library of NSW
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(Tuesday 18th)There has been no Shrapnel all day the beach was crowded to day it looked all the world like Coogee on holiday. Unloaded barges after dark. Had to knock off for Shells conning over.(Wednesday 19th)Turks charged all along the line Got orders to take amunition to 3rd Brigades headquaters on right under very heavy shell fire. Poor Jack Chant was killed and Angus McNeill was wounded got back safely to beach and received orders to join Battalion. Joined Battalion and stood by Turks were repulsed with very heavy losses Jack Johsons falling round biouvac and in gully. They are terrible you can see them coming and when they burst they make a hole about 10 feet in circumference. One came over and never exploded They are11 inch shells. Casualties of Turks amounted to 2000 killed and 3000 wounded we had 500 casualties We stood to arms all night received 2 letters from Kate(Thursday 20th)Have been sapping to day and things are exceedingly quiet towards 4 oclock the Turks hoisted a flag and asked for an armistice One Turkish officer was brought in and firing ceased all along line. The Turks went out and started to pick up rifles and bring up reinforcements when this was seen We opened fire on them. The hottest lot of fire I have ever heard kept it up for about an hour we were expecting an attack at dark but it never came off(Friday 21st)Relieved trenches on Quinn's Post This is the worst position here as the Turks are very close. The furthest distance averages 20 yards and the nearest 10 yards We got a reception of bombs when we got in and had to stand by with over coat to throw over them. We soon got ours ready and we had a bomb fight ours are very strong and explode inflicting terrible wounds They are of the jam tin variety. Our heads could not be held above parapet as the Turks had the superiority of fire We had to use periscopes and could only keep them [indecipherable] a few seconds put in a very bad night bombs everywhere(Saturday 22nd)Turks throwing bombs all night The New Zealand engineers are fixing up trenches We were giving the Turks [indecipheraable] with periscopes we are in here for 42 hours will be relieved
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