State Library of NSW
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(Thursday 20th)Usual parade Bayonette fighting and usual training and skirmishing over sand came in at 3 pm Went on parade at 4.30 pm and had route march down to the canal along the hard metal road and through avenue of trees returning by way of Oasis, feeling very tired We got orders to be ready first thing in morning to shift to new camp.(Friday 21st)Revellie at 6(am) Breakfast 6.30(am) ready to move off at 7(am) Our platoon No 3 are going over to put up tents for the company they are going out to drill arrived over at new camp at 9.30 and got to work with tents The rest of the battalion arrived at 4 pm. Turned in early(Saturday 22nd)Had orders to go on ??ater guard, fell in at 9(am) and relieved old guard. There are three parts on this guard. We have two prisoners. I am in the second relief and No 1 post in front of guard tent turning cold to night(Sunday 23rd)Relieved from guard at 9 am Handed prisoners over to Brigade guard and were dismissed. Inspection by Brigadier Gen Monash of men and camps got payed £1 and got pass for town Had a look around Ishmalia and came home there is not much to see or do in this town(Monday 25th) [24th]My ear is giving me trouble and went to doctor got marked light duties have to go again to get it seen to It is aching something awful(Tuesday 25th)Went to doctor again this morning and got orders to get my gear and go into hospital. 9.15 am went over to 4 field ambulance and was forwarded down to Ishmalia. Into No 1 Australian Hospital. Had a good bath and change of clothes and got into good bed. The food is not too good here but the nurse in charge of E ward is very kind to us. Had hot fermentations applied to ear and it has started to discharge. It feels nice to be between the sheets again(Wednesday 27th)Doctor saw me again this morning Had more fermentations put on it is giving me jip. had a good dinner Had another ferment and Hot water bag to keep ferment hot(Thursday 27th)Got orders to get ready after breakfast and catch hospital train for Cairo. Taken down to station in motor ambulance and got into train Left Ishmalia at noon They are very kind to us in train and am eating and drinking tea all day. Gave us cigarrettes We will arrive at Cairo at ?
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