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Fire slackened off in the evening, but broke out again after dark and continued strongly throughout the night except in front of No.4 Section where it died away into the ordinary sniping.
In front of Quinn's Post however was subjected to a heavy bomb bombardment and machine gun fire – after 5 a.m. there was such a complete cessation of activity behind the enemy's trenches, which are strongly occupied, that it is very desirable to have aeroplanes reconnaissance to follow the enemy's movements which we cannot follow from our overlooked positions, nor can our patrols, in the present situation keep touch.
The reports of prisoners have already reached you through your G.H.Q. representative who estimates that 30,000 troops were used against us, of which five regiments appear to have been fresh troops –
The enemy's casualties, as previously reported, were large – It is impossible to estimate numbers, but at least 3000 dead are lying in the trench in view of our trenches while their own trenches are probably full of them.
Our artillery fire, in spite of our disadvantageous position, was responsible for a large proportion of these losses – All guns were in action throughout the day, and all reports from Section Commanders shew that the results