Item 01: Florence Holloway diary, 1 September 1917-31 October 1918 - Page 130

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Sunday 15 [14] April 1917 [1918]
No trace of Sunday breaks this prison time save that during the long lonely afternoon I indulge in old hymns, some not sung since childhood's days of long ago. Evidently the Padre (C of E) has no time for a sick sister within his gates. Matron does not visit me either & I miss her sweet quiet talk.
A menu for the day –
Breakfast 7.15 a.m. Porridge, tea, 2 hard poached eggs of doubtful age, 1 strip rancid bacon, 3 slices brown B & B.
Lunch 12.15 p.m. Mince, boiled onions, mashed potatoes.
Rice with curdled milk & no sugar.
Dinner, 6 p.m., rather greasy soup, piece fried fish, mince & veg. same as lunch with addition of crowds of pepper making my throat burn.
Boiled pudding hard & cold!!

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