Item 01: Florence Holloway diary, 1 September 1917-31 October 1918 - Page 197

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[Page 197]

Thursday 21 [20] June 1917 [1918]
Off 2-5 p.m. packing & tyding up goes on. Concert in Mary ward 7-8 p.m. Songs by V.A.D;'s, C of E Padre, pts., etc. 2 recitations by Dr. Crowe, "If" & Prodigal (2) son which makes we "down under" people rather wroth (No. 2 item) & to represent "something low" as a N.Z. boy put it he borrowed a ret'd N.Z. hat & gave the impression that Aust. is merely a very rough country & composed chiefly of pigs or pig growers, am not sure which.

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