Item 01: Florence Holloway diary, 1 September 1917-31 October 1918 - Page 409

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[Page 409]

29th 9.'18, Sunday
My ½ day. 2 p.m. catch train at Manchiet, arrive Marg. 2.30, native villages, date cutting, filth & everything interesting to be found here. One imp lost in admiration of the gold cap on my tooth tries to touch it with her dirty little finger. A boy astride a donk. asks Sister Shaw to buy it for L.E. 20, "too dear", "no sister not, as she is pregnant – another one inside".
4 p.m. tea under date palms with the afternoon sun shining palely through high waving corn leaves, most beautiful green shade. Train 5 p.m. to Cairo, All Saints 6 p.m., thanksgiving service for our victories on this front, Hymn, Pilgrims of the night, Lesson, Judge not, condemn not.
Following on our little talk under the palms one feels very guilty. S. Shaw tells me Miss G. has a high opinion of me, "good nurse & a good organiser" & say how hard her life was a first with us all against her. Baket [basket ?] falls at church door, bots. & cups scatter in every direction, great laughter.

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