Letter received by Philip Gidley King from Matthew Flinders, 3 - 4, 22 July 1806 (Series 65.39) - No. 0001

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Wilhems Plains in the Isle of France

July 3 1806

My Dear Sir

The letter I addressed to you from my prison in August 1804, I have learnt by different channels arrived safely. In the Times of Oct. 19. 1805 I see extracts from the Sydney gazette, and in the Madras gazette of March 15 1806 other extracts, wherein it is mentioned, and my imprisonment in this island spoken of in the terms which it justly merits; and I return you my best thanks for the great attention you have paid to my misfortune. I am informed, also, that general De Caën has very lately received from you a letter of remonstrance, inclosing a copy of my former letter; this has irritated the general somewhat more against me, and prevented me from obtaining permission to visit some friendly families in another part of the island than this where I am placed; these little privations, however, are more than counterbalanced by the pleasure I have to know that you espouse my cause with so much friendly concern.

A letter I received from our excellent friend Sir Joseph Banks, dated June 1805, informs me, that captain Bligh was then named to be your successor, and  that your arrival in England was expected. You will then learn almost all the circumstances, from Sir Joseph, which have occurred to me in this island; a month or two after the reception of this, however, you will learn then much more fully, from a narrative which at present occupies my time, and will be finished and forwarded to the admiralty in a month or six weeks. This narrative will contain a short sketch of my voyage up to the condemnation of the Investigator, a particular account if the shipwreck, - my voyages in the boat and the Cumberland, and the treatment I received in the Isle of France, and serving an imprisonment of more than two years and a half : With an appendix of official papers, it will contain between two and three hundred pages.

Philip G. King Esq. captain in His Majestys navy


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