on the present state of the Circulation of Copper Tokensin England', 11 July 1808 (Series 84.15) - No. 0005

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however was much more likely to happen when Copper was a short time ago at the price of £200 a Ton than now when it is £112 only, no doubt however can be entertained of a considerable proportion of Boultons heavy Tokens having been melted down when Copper was dear as was the case with the whole of the Private Tokens not one of which is now to be seen in circulation in any part of England

as however all hopes of the old Tokens being driven into the melting Pot by the mere superiority of the new ones is now at an end The holders of the old ones having demonstrated their intention of forcing their circulation again in all parts of England by repeating the Lord Mayors proclamation in most of the Provincial papers, and as the Present Low price of Copper, which will afford a gross profit of £140 a Ton to the Counterfeiter who makes his Peices of the weight of the worn lower halfpence makes the hazard of a renewal of that nefarious Practice imminent in the highest degree as long as the old Tokens continue to be legal tender, There seems no doubt of the wisdom or indeed of the necessity of calling them in with as little delay as possible, whatever the expence may be, it will be wise then to examine what the utmost expence of the measure can be under the supposition that the Quantity of new tokens already circulated or contracted for will be sufficient for Public use, which if they

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