Instructions for Mr. James Wiles...' , 25 June 1791 (Series 49.09) - No. 0008

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a week at least.
Wherever you shall meet with Plants in your opinion particular
beautifull or curious you are to acquaint the Commanding officer who if he thinks Proper will give you leave to take on baord one or two of each sort for the use of his Majesties Botanic
Garden at Kew Provided however that the stock of breadfruit trees & useful Plants is never diminished by the admission of curious ones which are on no account to be planted except in
such Pots or cases o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶  in which the breadfruit or other useful Plants have died.
On your arrival at Timor or such other places in the East Indies inhabited by Europeans as Capt Bligh shall choose to touch at
he will procure the Plants & Fruits which are used for food or otherwise by the natives many of which are the Lansa Mangostan Durian Jamboo of several sorts [Nence?]   Tchampatha

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