State Library of NSW
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[Detailed instructions written by Joseph Banks on the storage and care of the breadfruit plants, see also Document 45.03]
To Jas Wiles & Chr. Smith gardiners with Capt Bligh 1791
The first duty to be inculcated into the mind of a men who undertakes to serve his majesty is obedience to the orders of those his majesty is pleased to put in Command over him, you are therefore to remember on all occasions while you belong to his majesties Ship Providence that you obey the orders of the commanding officer & that whenever you can make yourself useful without neglecting the care of your Plants by performing any extra duty you cheerfully & readily undertake to give your assistance.
The Reason of Government incurring the expence of the Equipment of the Ships with which you will sail & the salary of yourself & your assistant is with a view of furnishing the West Indian Islands with some of the most useful productions of the East & as the whole of the success of this undertaking depends ultimately on your diligence & care it cannot be too Strongly recommended to you to guard yourself against all temptations of
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