Letter received by Banks from Arthur Phillip, 2 April 1792. (Series 37.23) - No. 0006

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and pulverized the crops are very good. Captain Nepean of the New South Wales Corps had half an acre planted with potatoes the produce of which was sixty bushels, James Ruse a Settler had seventeen bushel and an half of wheat from one acre and a quarter but please to observe that the trees were cut 3 or so feet from the surface of earth and all the stumps and roots left in the ground which took up a great space and otherwise very much retarded the growth of the wheat for a certain distance round each stump. The Indian corn is not yet ripe therefor cannot ascertain the exact produce but I think the whole colony will not produce above two thousand bushels.  I am still imployed in surveying I think Goverment will have one thousand acres in cultivation next year. I have the honour to be 

Sir with great respect 
your most humble
and obedient Servant

David Burton

March 24th 1792

Cartridge paper is much wanted here.

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