Letter received by Philip Gidley King from Captain William Kent, 28 November 1804 (Series 39.091) - No. 0001

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His Majesty's Ship Buffalo at Sea Nov:r 28th: 1804.
Latitude 39º. 46' S Longitude 147º.17'. E:


Agreeable to your Order I put to Sea on the morning of the 15:th of October, in company with His Majesty's Armed Tender Lady Nelson, Francis and Integrity Colonial Vessels, having onboard Lieutenant Governor Paterson, the Officers Civil and Military &c &c to form a Settlement at Port Dalrymple. 

We continued to stand to the Southward with fresh Breezes, dark cloudy Weather, and flying Showers of Rain (except now and then being obliged to heave to for the Francis) the Wind veering from the North East to East south East, until the Morning of the 18:th, when the Wind shifted to the West North West, from thence to West South West, and at last fixed at South West in a heavy Gale:  we were at this time in Latitude 38º.08' S, Longitude 149º. 31' Et:.  We continued to ply to Windward during the Night under close reefed Topsails and Foresail, and found the next Morning the Francis had parted company, and that the Lady Nelson and Integrity were as far to Leeward as the Eye could reach;  these we lost sight of in the Afternoon. -The Gale having abated on the Morning of the 20:th the Integrity joined:  the Wind now haul'd round to the Northward and Eastward which enabled us to stand to the Westward until 8 A.M. on the 21:st when a distant clap of Thunder shifted the Wind so immediately in a heavy Squall, that it was with difficulty we could save the Sails by furling them:  at this time we were abreast of the Sisters, bearing South by East a half East, distant ten Leagues.  By Noon the Gale increased to a Tempest;  so that when we Veered and lay'd our head to the Northward, the Integrity continued with hers to the Southward, being fearful if


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