State Library of NSW
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Outer Cove, Port Dalrymple
27th Decr. 1804
Dear Governor
From the accompanying Journal you will forecast I have not been idle, altho' my constitution is not of the strongest it has supported me much better than I expected, and after my intended excursion to the Western shore I shall be able to rest a little few days and employ myself in giving you a more particular account of my proceedings in detail than what I can at present. My detaining the Lady Nelson for the service I am going upon I hope will meet with your approbation. I send you by the Frances four Specimens of our small Timber all of which I think are excellent and grow every where in great abundance. Specimens of the larger Timber I shall send by the Lady Nelson Mr. Symons who has attended me on my excursions and has been very servicable and should this place become of that consequence so as to require a situation as a Harbour Master I am of opinion he will be a very fit person for the situation, and I am certain Government would
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