B 505: Lecture on the Aborigines of Australia and papers on Wirradhurrei dialect, 1837-1840 - Page 15

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Page 15

of all the  some of the peculiarities of
all others, of the dialogs the [?], the
*Negroes  the [caffey?] whilst to {?} of them they show a
close resemblance A. Nay As {?} this general features Here is a classical
variety even among them Generally  Their han[?]
is [?]strait, though some [?] to the wooley hair
of the African; their color very dark, though in
**many invidual[?] [?] [?] to a lighter
shade either of coffee or olive. Thin faces
are less oval than that of the Negro, often rather
long, their forheads, not very low, their eyes
deeply [?], their noses rather flat the cheek - 
fine somewhat[?] high, thin mouths remarkably
large jawbones often awkwardlyprojecting. But there are is
 a considerable proportion of finer [?]
[?] with regular features of 
symetry of formation. Many men and some women too, are
well built, attaining to a good height and
if not handsome are certainly not so ugly
as somenearly all the [?] are now. [?] On the whole,
however, we must admit them to be a coarse
& degenerate race, to which their miserable
way of living, sometimes scarcity of food or a 
very inferior sort of food may have added
much. ***F Before I proceed to any other subject, it
may not be out of placehereto give you a brief

*(in margin) especially their general features
**(in margin) 2,F.This [?] [?] are by no mean is inferior as is generally supposed, they are quite capable of [?] of the mind, learn to read at an average [?] [?] as European children and generally speak English soon
***F(in margin) [?] let us imagine a few families[?] [?] [?] [?] 9if we may use [?][?]0 as there always are among all nations to have first [?] here [?][?] without any other [?] [?] it is quite natural, other [?] [?] the same way, that the7y should become more [?][?] degenerate.


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