Editburg Barrarm. Marrattee.
Minchins Nantowurlie.
Big Scrub Hut Woorowie (Gum Tree Waterhole)
Little " " Nul.you.wee (very quiet place.)
Little round swamp Waterholes. Mulderra. Wulpa.
Well or road to Emu Waterhole Bubble.dowie.
Waterhole near bins Mud. borowie.
Emu Waterhole Yillow. rowie.
Flat near Cable Hut (rockhole.) Mulka. bulba.
Cable Hut Bay Nilla. Girrie
Round lake near Cable Hut Goola. wool. gowie
West Cape Para Wurlie.
Stony Waterhole Poudalowie
Royston Head Arru - noo.
Jim Brown's Waterhole Wun.un.owie.
Pelican creek (Jim Brown's) Willdy bÅlla
Waterhole (going to Jim Brown's) Warrinben
Marion Bay Cochadowie
Cat fish Owerjee. (Catfish.) €‹
(Waterhole near Line
Swivel Hut Yu.nun.too
Sandhill Waterhole Whit.too (White Sandhills)
Cape Yorke Gudgerowie.
Sandy [?] Well Wockoolee.
Sturt Bay Bun.un.too.
Flat near [?] Turton Boon poo.
Yorketown Gurreena.
White Hut Culloway. Over