Box 9/Item2: 'Language of Southern Yorkes Penisula Blacks', 1900 - Page 23

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Shea.oak.                                                                     Curlk.oo.

Ti.tree                                                                                 Doon.dra.

       do(blue flower)                                              Mul.deera.   or Mul.der.ra.


Gum.tree.                                                                   Whirrah.

Mallee                                                                             Whirrah

Mallee.Scrub                                                         Whid.dar.rah.

Cherry.bush                                                           Whid.dit.too.

Cherry.tree                                                              Murra.wulpa.

Box.bush                                                                   Yooler.ra.

Blue.bush                                                                 Whud.bÅ­lla.

Bushes                                                                          Bŏontoo.   or bŏon.poo.   Any grass or

Thatch grass                                                       Bŏon.too                   do                    rush growing

Broad leaf rush                                               Boŏn.too                     do.                in Swamps.

White flower bush (on beach)  Min.ya   or meen.ya. (Cannot identify)    

Little bush                                                             Bood.ara.

Silver Wattle                                                     Ming.gurra.

Long needled do                                       Ming.ka.

Small                           do                                       More.ra.

Myall (Blackwood.)                                Burr.ra.

Currant bush                                                 Buggy.jucker.

Cranberry                                                           Ul.lul.a.doo.


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