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At the end of August a Bde. Sports Meeting was held and proved very successful, it being the prelude to the Divisional Sports and Horse Show which took place in the middle of September.
The Brigade was well represented at the Divisional Show, and were successful in many events.
During all this period the work of the Y.M.C.A. amongst the Brigade was very much appreciated. The big Y.M.C.A. Hut in the Camp provided many concerts, touring Concert parties visiting the Camps at the expense of the management. Here it may be noted that the Australian "Digger" will not stand for courseness in his entertainments. Many of the touring concert parties attempting to cater for the course element met with a "Cool" reception. A fine instrumentalist or vocalist playing or singing even the oldest or commonest music was always much appreciated by the "Digger"
On 25:9:16, the whole of the Brigade marched to BULFORD COMMON, and, together with the remainder of the 3rd. Aust. Divn. rehearsed for the next days' review by His Majesty The KING. On 26:9:16 the Brigade together with all Dominion troops on the "Plain" was reviewed at BULFORD by H.M. The KING. The review was a great success and the showing of the Brigade was of an outstanding character.
Shortly afterwards it was found necessary to move the Brigade to another group of Camps about a mile distant. On completion of this move the Brigade was disposed in the new camps as follows:-
Bde. Hdqrs. No. 29 Camp.
9th. A.M.G. Coy. No. 29 Camp.
9th. A.L.T.M.Bty. No. 29 Camp.
33rd. Battn. No. 25 Camp.
34th. Battn. No. 26 Camp.
35th. Battn. No. 27 Camp
36th. Battn. No. 28 Camp.
On arrival at the new camp the Bde. Sig. Section, from the 3rd. Div. Signal Coy., joined the Bde Hdqrs. and took over the signals and communication of the Bde. the section being under the command of 2/Lt. Parker.
On the 5th of October the Bde. marched to BUSTARD area and took over a complete system of trenches for training purposes.
Attached to the Bde. for the operations was the 7th. A.F. Artillery Brigade. (Lt. Col. W.G. Allsopp)., and the 9th. Aust. Fld. Ambulance, (Lt. Col. F.A. Maquire). The training continued for 5 days during which time the troops lived in the trenches under active service conditions. Bde. Hdqrs. was established in a farm and signal and runner communications organised as in actual trench life. Many raids and small operations were carried out, artillery and areoplane co-operating, and all ranks showed a great keenness through out. One large operation with artillery and areoplane co-operation was watched closely by Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Slate (G.O.C. Southern Command) and by the Divisional commander; who expressed themselves very satisfied with the training of the men. At the close of the period the Brigade marched back to camp, all ranks feeling that the time had been well spent.