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An Engineers Platoon was formed in each Battalion consisting mostly of miners, for special trench digging work. All Battns. dug model practice trench systems in the vicinity of their respective training areas, under good instructors and much useful trench training was commenced.
Towards the end of August Brigade schemes were brought into operation; one three days scheme in which the whole Bde. with transport took part was a severe test of the men. The Bde. Route March 15 Miles to SHEWSBURY bivouacked for the night, carried out an operation next day, bivouacked and returned to Camp. The return journey severely tried the men who had only had a months' training since disembarkation and 10% stragglers was the result.
In August Lt. Col. G. Holborrow, C.O. 35th. Battn. was evacuated to hospital, the 2nd, in Command Major R.T. Hunt taking over the command of the Battalion temporarily. Later Lt. Col. M.A. Goodard (late 17th. Battn. A.I.F.) took over command of the 35th. Battn. and was senior Colonel of the Brigade.
Lt. Col. W.J.M. Logan, C.O. 36th. Battn. was transferred to a training Battalion and Major A. Cooke-Russell took over command of the Battalion.
On 15:8:16. Field Marshal Sir John French (G.O.C. U.K.) visited the Brigade in training, and expressed himself well satisfied with the work being done.
Week end leave was freely granted to the troops and was much availed of the all ranks, who soon made many close friends in the neighbouring Counties.
The month of September was passed in intense training by Battalions, consisting of tactical schemes, route marches, billeting schemes; and the higher studies of musketry, bomb and bayonet, rifle grenades etc.
At the end of September a number of the most promising W.Off's. and Sgts. were sent to an Officers Training School at KANDAHAR Barracks TIDWORTH; in order to form a reserve to replace future officer casualties.
Owing to the severe casualties suffered at FLEURBAIX by 5th. Aust. Divn., the 3rd. Aust. Divn., was ordered to make up the deficiency and 120 men from each Battalion (480 from the Bde.) were drafted, much against the wish of the Divn. Commander to the 2nd. Divisional Training Depot at ROLLESTONE; from whence they were drafted immediately to France. This transfer caused a lot of heartburning in the units as in many instances companions and friends were separated. Later the gaps in the Bde. were filled by a draft of men from the 5th. Training Battn., the men received being less trained then the men transferred which caused a difficulty. Whereas previously the Bde. was solely a N.S.Wales Bde., after the transfer of this draft men from all States in the Commonwealth were represented.