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Early in 1916 it was decided to increase the A.I.F. in the field by one Division to be designated the 3rd.
The 4th. and 5th. Division already being in process of formation in EGYPT from accumulated reinforcements: and it was decided that the 3rd. Division should be raised in Australia.
N.S.W and Victoria were to raise one Brigade each, the remaining Brigade to be raised by the joint efforts of the other less populous states.
The task of forming the N.S.Wales Brigade, which was to be called the 9th. was immediately taken in hand by the Staff of the 2nd. Military District.
Lt.Col. A.J.Jobson (C.M.F.) was appointed to Command the Brigade and in February Brigade Headquarters was formed at Hamilton Racecourse NEWCASTLE and comprised the following:-
G.O.C. Lt. Col. A.J. Jobson. (C.M.F.)
Bde. Major. Major. A. Lesson-Prince.
Staff Capt. Capt. R.J.A. Massie. A.I.F.
Q.M.S. No. Sgt. A.S. McLean
Ord. Room Sgt. No. Sgt. W.M. Andrews.
Ord. Off. to G.O.G. Lt. T. Macnee.
600 Recruits raised by Campbell Carmichael Esq. (Minister for Education in N.S.W.) from the N.S.Wales Rifle Clubs were brought from LIVERPOOL on the 21st. of February to BROADMEADOW CAMP NEWCASTLE. The same day "the North Coasters" Route March of about 400 Men arrived at BROADMEADOW CAMP and these two quotas were amalgamated as the 36th. (Riflemans) Battalion and placed under the command of Lt. Col. W.J.M.Logan. A & I Staff.
His Battalion Staff was as follows:-
C.O. Lt. Col. W.J.M. Logan. A & I Staff
2nd. in Command. Major A. Cooke-Russell P.T.I. Staff.
Adjutant. Lt. J. M. Hawkey. A & I. Staff
Acting Adj. Lt. D. Molesworth. (Later to a Platoon.)
Q.M. Lt. J. Jullef.
Lt. T. Macnee.
R.S.M. W.O. W. Gordon.
T.O.[?] Lt. J. Clonin.
Ord. Rm. Sgt. Sgt. M.J. Watson.
R.O. Sgt. Sgt. Prentice.
A. COY. Capt. W.W. Wells.
B. COY. Major. A.E. Lloyd.
C. COY. Capt. F.G. Grant.
D. COY. Major. A.C. Blacklow.
M.G. Officer. Lt. H. Arnold.
1000 recruits from the NEWCASTLE District were formed at BROADMEADOW in February and placed under the Command of Lt. Col. G.A. Holborrow. (41st. C.M.F.) and called 35th. Battalion. (Newcastles Own.)
The Battalion Staff was formed as follows:-
C.O. Lt. Col. G.A. Holborrow. 41st. Inf. C.M.F.
2nd. in Command. Major R.T. Hunt. 3rd. Bde. A.I.F.
Adjutant. Lt. J.R. Mann
Q. Master. Lt. W. Dunn.
T. Officer. Lt. W.R. Staton.
M.G. Officer. Lt. A.E. Yates A. & I. Staff.