State Library of NSW
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presume to question the Justice of the Sentence by which Capt Short has been acquitted, but I earnestly entreat my Lords Commrs of the Admiralty not to suffer a Charge against me which I have never been called upon or allowed to answer to cancell the merit of past services approved by Sir John Duckworth and other Officers under whom I have served and to fix upon my Character the disgraceful Stain of having submitted to become the Instrument of another in prosecuting a groundless accusation.
I am now about to leave Town for Fowey in Cornwall from whence I shall be happy to transmit any further particulars which their Lordships may require.
I have the honor to be &c &c &c (signed) J.S. Tetley late Lieut of H. M. S. Porpoise
Honble W. W. Pole
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