Australia. Army. 6th Battalion order book, 3 September 1916-28 October 1916 - Page 24

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[Page 24]

  to Medical Care is effected. Small stocks of Blankets will be  kept at Reg. Aid Posts and Advanced dressing Stations for  this purpose.  

Para IIII        Information
  A recent captured German Intelligence Summary states that according to a paper found on a captured Australian  Officer (2nd Batt) the enemys Signals etc are (describing our S.O.S. Signals). It cannot be too often impressed that before going into action officers and men should be careful to see that any documents likely to contain information useful to the enemy are destroyed. Men are also to be reminded constantly that if captured they are  not bound to give any information other than their name and number,  that by giving information however trivial it may seem to them they are contributing to the death of many comrades.  

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