Australia. Army. 6th Battalion order book, 3 September 1916-28 October 1916 - Page 22

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[Page 22]

Battalion Orders No 153 by  Lt.Col HG Bennett C.M.G.Commanding 6th Battn A.I.F In the Field.

Part I

Para I        Detail
Orderly Officer tomorrow Lt. A Laughlin Next for duty Lt. R.P. Sutcliffe.

Para II        Respirators
Small box respirators are now on issue. As these  respirators are costly and difficult to obtain all cases of loss will be severely punished. In addition to the  individual having to make good the loss 18/6  

Notice       There will be a concert in YMCA hut on Friday evening. Rehearsal at 10 am tomorrow.    Men intending   to contribute items should report to Lt. Minster

Signed C Guilfoyle
Capt and Adj  



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