State Library of NSW
[Page 67]
Battalion orders No 171 by Lt. Col. H G Bennett CMG Commanding 6th Battn A.I.F. In the Field 19-10-16
Part I Part 1 Orderly Detail Orderly officer tomorrow:- Lt. W.P. Adams Next for Duty:- Lt Gibson R.R.
Para I The following punishments have been awarded by the C.O. 5394 Pte Hind J. A. Coy. Charge:- losing by neglect 1 Box Respirator:- Sentence pay 18/3 value of Respirator 5501 Pte Thomas J G. C Coy. Charge:- Whilst on duty allowing prisoner to escape 72 hours FP No 2 5195 Pte Smith J W. B Coy Charge:- Hesitating to obey an order given by a N.C.O. 14 days FP No 2 2538 Pte Donnelly W Absent from Billett without a pass 72 hours FP No 2 3675 Pte Blizzard W. Absent from Billett without a pass. 72 hours FP. No 2
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