Box 8 Item 03: 'A' Squadron records of the No. 1 Light Horse Regiment Expeditionary Force, 1914 - Page 23

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[Page 23]

Marks Date of Birth Place Born Next of Kin Remarks
Scar on palm of right hand   Junee, N.S.W. (Father)
W. Edwards
​Bandon Grove, N.S.W.
Killed 29.5.15
Vacn on Right arm  

Muswellbrook, NSW

Thomas Ellerton,
Muscle Creek,
L-Cpl:per RO.B5 P1.II. Killed 15.5.15

Stockton, NSW

Evan Evans,
Stanford Muthyr [Merthyr],
Via Maitland, NSW

Killed 15.5.18
    North Shields, Northumberland, England Alf. Edmunds,
Rosebud Cottage,
Bulli, NSW
Small circle on Left inner elbow   Inverell, NSW (Father)
Peter B.Eddy,
Ross Hill,
Inverell, NSW
Discharged as Medcy - unfit for R.O. No. 21
Terminal phalank of right index finger amputated   Armidale, NSW (Father),
9 Eliott,
Armidale, NSW
Vacctd left arm    Orange, NSW  A.M.Egan,
Warren, NSW
Left at Heliopolis in Hospital 8.5.15.


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