Box 8 Item 03: 'A' Squadron records of the No. 1 Light Horse Regiment Expeditionary Force, 1914 - Page 19

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[Page 19]

Marks D.O.B. Place Born Next of kin Remarks

Scar under chin


Hillgrove, NSW

(Mother) Mrs Campbell 

Batman  R.O.16
Vactn on left arm - Inverell

(Father) Mr Calder
Inverell NSW

Vactn on Left arm   - Horne Surrey England (Father) Rev A Champion
Mayer's Ave
Sth Devon, England
Scar on left knee   - Murrurundi NSW (Mother) Mrs Charlton Haygon Str. Murrurundi NSW  
Mole on left arm Vactn on right arm   - Singleton NSW Arthur Charlton Cobcroft "St Clair"
Singleton NSW

Scar on left shin Vactn on left arm

  - Moree NSW (Father) Mr W.A. Conroy "Sunnyside"
Moree NSW
Corporal R.O. 5
Mole on inner side of right thigh   - Maryborough Q'Land Wm. Faber Crichton
Trafalgar Str
Nil  - Scone NSW

Wm. Cundy
Moonan Flat
Scone N.S.W

Scar on Chest Vactn on left arm  - Southend Essex England

(last known address)
Percy Cuffey.
Essex England

L/Cpl Wounded 2.6.15 Rejoined 6.6.15
Scar on left leg vactn on L. arm . Carcoar N.S.W. Father - Alf Carlyle
6 Silver Str
St. Peters. Sydney
Wounded 30 5 15
nil   Morpeth N.S.W Brother - John Crake
Trewiatt Rd,
Newcastle on Tyne
Killed 15.5.15

Circular scare about middle front of thigh.  Vertical scar L.Leg.  Slanting scar to right of the hair with forehead.

  Croyden Park N.S.W.

(Brother) - Dennis Cassidy
Hampton St.
Croydon Park Sydney 

Sign R.O 44 Hospital 9.5.15 Rejoined rejoined 12-6-15
Nil   South Shields, Durham Robert Clasper
C/O 44 Fitzroy
Langley Beds, Sydney
Transferred to M.G.S. 13th Infty 21.5.15
Irregular scar outer side near L. ear  Vertical scar on L.of chin. Horizontal scar on L. of neck. Vacctn   Everton, Liverpool Lancashire, England (Mother) - Mrs. M. J. Cine
54 Lind St.
Liverpool England
Irregular scar back of R. neck. Faint Vactn marks   Kempsey N.S.W. (Mother) - Mrs. J. Campbell Port Macquarie N.S.W. Hospital 17.5.15
Transverse scar middle R. Shin. Discolouration of skin R. Angle of mouth. Vaccinated   Cowra N.S.W. (Mother) - Mrs. Gavin Campbell
Cowra N.S.W.
Transferred to "C" R.O.


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