Item 03: George Edward Edmondson diary, 9 December 1916-12 July 1917 - Page 47

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[Page 47]

30th May 1917. Very easy day Came off guard at 6 oclock walked up & had a few drinks. Got to bed at 10.

31st May 1917. Left wagon lines at 8 oclock for Bailleul, arrived at Bailleul at 9.30 & proceeded to school for pigeon training in connection with signal work. Very easy stunt. Left the school after a lecture for a bath. After tea went to the picture show.

1st June 1917. Got up at 7 30 for breakfast. Attended lectures on pigeon business through the day. Walked round Bailleul Went to pictures at night

2nd June 1917. Got up at 7 30 for breakfast Attended lectures on the pigeon business. Finished up today. Fooled around till bedtime.

3rd June 1917. Left Bailleul this morning at 11 oclock and got to Steenwerck by motor. Stayed there for dinner and left for the wagon lines late afternoon.
Later on arrival got instructions to proceed to Battery. Waited till nightfall to move up to the position succeeded in reaching position safely although Fritz sent a few shells amongst us. But we had to take the wagon with rations via another route & this led us into trouble. We ran into shells galore, blowing up of ammunition dumps & not forgetting gas shells. It was a lively half hour & was much relieved when we made our way back

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