Item 03: George Edward Edmondson diary, 9 December 1916-12 July 1917 - Page 53

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and feel relieved at getting away. On the way through Ploegsteert just missed a shell which burst just behind us. Got to wagon lines at 12 oclock.

26th June 1917. Woke at 8 oclock after a fair night's rest. Fooled around the lines all day. Got to bed at 6 oclock.

27th June 1917. Reveille 5 30 am on cooks fatigue all day. Battery with the 3rd Div was inspected & commended by Gen. Monash today.

28th June 1917. Reveille 5 30. left camp at 9 30 for leave. Went to Baileull & had a very fair day. Visited our friends and had meals in there. Went to the Show & got back in a blinding thunderstorm at 9 oclock.

29th June 1917. Reveille 5 30. Fooling round all day. General Plumer the head of our big fight spoke to us today. Complimenting us on the work done by the artillery.

30th June 1917. Reveille 5.30. On stables all morning. Visited by the 1st Division band today & they tuned us all the afternoon Plenty of beer etc floating around. Band left a 4 oclock & we did stables till 5. Did not go out Got to bed early.

1st July 1917. Reveille 5.30. Very easy day. Wrote some letters home. Got to bed early

2nd July 1917. Reveille 5 30. On bath parade. Fooling round rest of day. Part of Battery left for new position tonight. Posted letter to Rana.

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