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Wed Mar 13
Roy Knowles came to see me. He has been in Blighty about 4 months. Came over with Heart trouble.
Thur. 14
Our Big day. Things went off fairly well.
Fri. 15
Yank went away on Leave, leaving "Darkie" in charge of the Kitchen. A Japanese General inspected the troops and came in for Lunch. Our fellows made a great display as they marched past. The Jap was a tiny chap about 4ft 10 high and he looked liked a little kid as he walked by the side of the C.O., who is a very big man. I was giving a hand at Lunch Time in the Dining Room. It was most amusing to hear the Jap and the Col attempting to converse. The Japanese Consul was present and acted as interpreter.
The Gen was Q.M.G. during the Russo-Japanese War. He wore all his decorations, which were quite a few.
Sat. 16
Had hot Bath and donned clean change, which was most refreshing.
Did my washing, and was jolly glad to get it finished as it's a Job I detest.