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Fri. Mar. 8
Sgt Mathieson and Bert Berry can to see me this morning. Both are looking well.
"Darkey" went on Leave.
After dinner I made myself a Bunk and filled my mattress with clean straw. "Bill Bailey" returned from Leave today and I had to give up his Bunk, which I have been using during his absence.
Ian Cady went away on 14 days Leave to get married. Hope his as Lucky as I was.
Sat. 9
Had hot Bath after dinner and donned a clean change. After Tea went to Pelican Show with Bill Beard.
Got 2 Letters from B.E. dated Dec 28 and 30. "Tres bien" Letters too. That Girl seems to improve in every wry way as she gets older.
Sun. 11
Glorious spring day. Just the sort of weather to go surfing.
Had a bad dose of Homesickness that I countered making up verses about B.E.
Bill Beard and I are on duty all day. Just our Luck.
Com. Letter No 12 to M.S.