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Fri Nov 8.
The Red X chap came round today. Brought us Chocolate and Tobac and Cigs and Papers to read. Mighty welcome they were, too. Got up yesterday and today and am feeling pretty good again.
Sat 9
Discharged from Hosp and returned to A.G.B.D.
Sun Nov 10.
Went into Town. Had Tea at Fish Shop, near Sal. Army Hostel. Everybody is in good spirits and seems to think that the Huns will sign the Armistice tomorrow. Returned to camp by the 8.35.
Mon 11.
Went into Town again about 10.30. Got a ride in motor Lorry. Got into Town just as the news arrived that said the Armistice was signed. The Guns were banging away, Church Bells ringing, Bands playing and everybody going mad. The Guns made an awful noise and we could see the shells busting in the air, over the harbour.
Armistice Day in Le Havre. 11.11.18
Everybody was shaking hands with everybody else. The French people said "La Guerre finis. Tres Bien"[The War has ended, Very Good]. The Girls from the munitions Factories, the Tommies from the Army workshops, Belgians, French, Yanks and all sorts and conditions of men, women and kids formed up into a procession with flags of all sorts flying, and every kind of musical instrument playing.
It kept increasing in size as it went along, and must have been a mile long, the last I saw of it. What struck me about it was that there were no "Aussies" among the crowd. It was rather too early for them to be in Town.
Had some Dinner at the Y.M.C.A. After Dinner the Town filled up very quickly and the A.I.F. was well represented. A French Band played in the Gardens. The crowd by this time were quite excited and when the Band played the National