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the parties responsible. It is a lovely night tonight so I suppose we'll have another anxious time.

Thursday 19/2 Tuesday

Sure enough we shut down the lights Fritzys planes seemed to be holding a meeting up above. I took over at midnight & we ran afterward without interruption. I must revise the above. The shunt field of the Dynamo became disconnected & gave an extremely irate electrician (me) a chance to display his proficiency in Australese I went to see some Belgians last night. I thought it was a good chance to learn French, by their questions I think that they thought it was a good chance to obtain some knowledge of the movements of Australian Troops. Needless to relate all of the information they obtained could be put in your eye without causing inconvenience. I must steer clear of that place in future. The church here (La Creche) was practically demolished by a single shell.

20/2 Wednesday. A miserable night tonight wet, rainy & cold. Still the troops are cheerful, Why? There has been a rum issue & the weather is too bad for bombing. What more do we want. Australia? Yes. But sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. The

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