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had several Breakdowns & overhauls with his Tractor. So that nobody (officially) knows where he or his Tractor (241) is. The 4th Field Co Engineers lost trace of him & forgot him when he came back with his disabled Tractor. The Anzac Railway Co. Traced him & his Tractor to Busseboom Siding & there is no record of him leaving there. Busseboom Dump officials know that he went to the 4th Field Co. & no more. They are all looking for him. Meanwhile he lives & eats in our hut & carts Ballast for Cpl. Welsh now & again. The three different units are trying to thrash the matter out & seem to be coming to the opinion that there never was any Baron or 241.

12/11 Monday

241 came another "Gutser" yesterday (Broke down again) . Heavy Bombardment this morning 5.0 A.M. Still going strong. Only get about 9 hours daylight now. We will move very shortly. Most have already gone. Only day shift on now. Electricians excepted.

13.11 Tuesday Some new Zealanders have arrived (60). Another batch of our fellows left this morning for Bailleul I believe.

15.11 10 Chows got blotted out by a couple of shells last night I believe a few came over but I only heard two. The 145th Co. R.E.are taking charge of dump. Quite a lot (80 about) of New Zeas. have arrived.

16.11 Friday When I came on shift this morning 4.30A.M. I found about a dozen Chows sleeping & sitting about in the Engine room. The

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