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stood in a shell hole in the wall & we had a short service singing the old well known hymns, "Nearer my God to thee", "Sun of my Soul", etc. The wind was away from the German trenches so they could not hear the singing.
Lt. Coghill was wounded by a premature burst of a rifle grenade. I went to the Hospital & saw him. He has a bad fracture of the jaw.
Today has been fine but a strong wind. Dusty. Letters from Home & Uralla.
Last night word came through that there would be an intense bombardment at 20 to 9 p.m. & every gun up to 12 in. on the whole army front would open for five minutes. We were waiting for it but at 8.30 Fritz opened all along our front & we replied, the noise & thunder of guns was terrific & in the midst of it the gas signals were given & we got ready