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him from his arrest and expressed sorrow that it had taken place  That the said Ship arrived at Port Jackson on the Sixth Day of August one thousand Eight hundred and Six and on the Eight day of the same month a Commission was opened appointing the said Captain Bligh Governor of New South Wales. That while the said Ship the Porpoise lay at Port Jackson the Deponent continued to receive the most oppressive treatment and opprobrious language from the said Captain Short insomuch that his situation on board the Ship became extremely painful and he applied to a Naval Officer there to interfere on his behalf and procure him a passage home in his Majesty's Ship Buffalo then about to sail for England. That such Interference was declined and the Deponent was advised to make personal application to the said Governor Bligh and the Deponent did accordingly wait upon the said Governor for the purpose of stating his Complaints when the Governor refused to hear or attend to them unless regularly stated in writing. That the Deponent thereupon wrote

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