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Battalion Order No 158 by Lt. Col. H.G.Bennett. C.M.G Commanding 6th batt. A.I.F In the Field 2/10/10
Part I
Para I Detail
Orderly Officer tomorrow:- Lieut Boyd T.H. Next for duty:- Lieut Sanderson F.J.
Para II. Box Respirator Drill
On completion of the fitting of small box respirators, Companys will devote at least half an hour each day in drilling all ranks in rapid adjustment of the mask and in carrying out ordinary exercise with the mask attached. The mask should not be breathed through for more than one and a half hours all told. It is imperative that all Ranks should be proficient in the Drill before going into the Trenches
Part II Disclipine:-
The following punishments have this day been awarded by the C. O. No. 568 Cpl. Erfurt A. Coy. Charge :- Absent from Billett: Sentence:- Returned to Company area Reprimanded