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[English translation of a news item that is also available on this site in the original Spanish at: Unsigned memorial, titled 'Noticias', transmitted to Banks by Mr Harris, 1772 (Series 06.119)]
They write from [Chiloe?] that H. M. Ship St Lorenzo under the command of Don Felipe Gonzalez arrived there from David Island the 15th. Decr. 1770 having saild from Callao [Peru] the 10th Octr. with the frigate La Rosalia
They arrived at that Island [Easter Island] the 16th. Novr. and say its size is about 12 or 15 leas. [leagues] in circumference it is not very high.
The Inhabitants of both sexes are about 3000 in number, they are a people of a docil disposition but great thieves; The Men are shaven, are tall & well made, white & red. They keep the Fire under ground, & appear to have some Supersticion in taking it out, this was observd when any of the Spaniards wanted to light their Tabacco. -
They have no Arms but Sticks & Stones & are much affraid of Fire Arms. They are