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First dispatches as [low?] as July 10   1788.

& rabbits, sheep throve but ill & their Bulls & cows had strayed & been missing 3 weeks.

They found the natives more numerous than had been expected, they suppose that Botany Bay Port Jackson & Broken Bay contain 1500.  3 convicts had been killed by them, one had ran away & remained among them some days, when he was forced back by hunger, he said that while he was with them many died of Famine.

The principal dispatches not being arrived no return of people in England, except the Civil officers, all of whom were well, they were somewhat unhealthy when first they arrived, but soon recovered, the rainy season had just set in when the transport sailed & it was expected they would be less healthy.

Sick list
Marines - 36
Convicts - 66
unfit by age &c for Labour - 52

They called the Country Cumberland & considered Landsdown [Lansdowne] Hills & Carmarthen hills as the boundarys of it.

M. de Peyrouse had been there as appears by a box of letters from him forwarded by the transport to the French Ambassador.

Governor Philip appears by his letters to be in good health & spirits & confident of success.

Current Status: 