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[This story is on a form similar to the previous ones and sent to Mr A.G. Stephens, Editor NSW Anzac Memorial]
Name and Rank Pte J. Miller
Battalion 21st
Date when left Australia on service. 8th May '15
Date when you came back to Australia. 31st May 16
Answer this question:
What was the BRAVEST DEED you saw with your own eyes from the day you left Australia till the day you came back? [The words "BRAVEST DEED" have been crossed out by Pte Miller]
They were just true sons of Australia as they faced the shot and shell
Fighting with stern devotion for the land that they loved so well
They laid down their lives like heroes when they stormed the rugged cliff
And made a name of undying fame on that day the Twenty Fifth.
And so as ceaseless years roll by our childrens children read
In historys pages 'mongst the roll of brave mens honored deeds
Theres some will shine amidst them all so true, so great, so grand
The lads of Anzac, Flanders, France in Europes blood drenched land.