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[This story is a form similar to the previous one sent to Mr A.G. Stephens, Editor NSW Anzac Memorial]
Name and Rank Pte P. Whitty
Battalion 20th
Date when left Australia on service. June 28th '15
Date when you came back to Australia. March 16th '16
Answer this question:
What was the MOST PATHETIC (or saddest) thing or incident you saw with your own eyes from the day you left Australia till the day you came back? [The words "MOST PATHETIC" have been crossed out and "FUNNY" written in by Pte Whitty]
On the beach at the foot of Walker's Ridge, a private in the Irish Rifles, got badly injured by a Kick from one of the Indian Transport mules.
While he was waiting in the R.A.M.C. [Royal Army Medical Corps] shelter, to be removed to the hospital ship two of us approached him, to offer our sympathy and met with this reply.
God bless his hind legs, shure I am the only one in The Regiment that have been here since the landing, without a spell, and now I will get a wash, and a bit of rest, like the rest of them