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Madeira Dec 12 1777
Dear Sir
I had the honor of receiving yours dated Octr 9. which gave me great satisfaction to hear that you had received all my parcels but especially my Herbarium, and when time will permit to settle them I should be much obliged to you for a coppy of the Catalogue Browns history of Jamaica which you have been so kind as procure for me, may be sent here directed to Mr Murray who will take care to forward it to me. My Powder is not yet expended as I have had no use for it among these Islands, but by some mistake or other I never received the small shot, which I shall stand most in need of in the W Indias. I have latly received a letter from Mr Aiton informing me of his Majesties desire that I should still visit the Canaries, and I am so fortunate to have an opportunity immediatly for Theneriff [Tenerife]. I have sent you by this opportunity my Wr Island collection which is but very small notwithstanding I am in hope that you will find some new plants among them. There is a plant among them which I found in Fayal [also spelt Faial, Azores] in a place called the Caldeira, it is a frutescent plant with large cordated leaves, is very milky when broke I did not find it in flower, but I suppose it to be an Heracium or in that neighbourhood. The inhabitants call it Cubre there is also another plant which I forgot to put into the parcel, which I have inclosed in this letter, it is like a Phillyrea but I never saw it in flower therefor could not determin. The mountains in S Miguel are covered with it the inhabitants call it Tamuja. There are in all about 60 sort if Mr Aiton is desirous of having any of the specimens I should esteem it a favour to let him have what duplicate there are to spare. I have also taken the liberty to inclose a small box containing seeds which I recommend to your care.